FSAP/NuSMV-SA 1.2.4 Release Notes

These are the release notes of FSAP/NuSMV-SA 1.2.4.


What's New
Main Features
Known Bugs
Old Release Notes

What's New

This release of the FSAP platform has several improvements. Hereafter there is the list of these improvements:

Known Bugs


Main Features

The main features of the FSAP/NuSMV-SA platform are:


FSAP/NuSMV-SA is cross-platform and pre-compiled binaries are available for the following platforms:

In order to correctly run FSAP/NuSMV-SA, the following tools/libraries are used: m4 and Expat are included in the distribution (in the case of Windows, for Linux they should be installed already - m4 at least) but Gnuplot must be downloaded separately:


Windows Platforms. Installation procedure on Windows platform uses the standard approach.

  1. Download the relevant FSAP-Setup.exe file from the Download page.

  2. Double click on FSAP-Setup.exe and follow the instructions.

Unix Platforms. The only *nix platform for which we provide pre-compiled binaries is Red Hat Linux. Compiled versions for other *nix like systems are available on demand.

  1. Download and install Expat if necessary.

  2. Download the relevant .zip file from the Download page.

  3. Unzip the package in a directory of your choice.

Release Notes of older Versions

Click here to see the release notes of all the previous versions of the FSAP/NuSMV-SA platform.


Last Update: $Date: 2008/02/11 17:08:57 $